Friday, November 26, 2004

Kelisa Meetup #7:   Club's Annual Photo Shoot!

Date: 21 November 2004, Sunday
Location: East Coast LAST CARPARK (CARPARK H)
Time: 3.30pm

New fishes that came for meetup #7:
1.) Vincent (aka VCkelisa) is the scooterman.
2.) Kevin (aka stinkyfoot17) is the scrambler + gf + a full pack camera equipment!
3.) Amas (aka EC82) + wife + doggie with fish with champagne gold / black top.
4.) Tock (aka tockkl) with the fish with silver / black top. with spoiler inside the boot.
5.) The Ang family of 4 with Kelisa 1st edition in champagne gold.

Nice to have you with us @ the meetup! Hope to see you all again on our future meetups, JB trips, outing, etc. ;-)

The cameras went snap! snap! snap! Then the rain came pouring down! I'll consolidate the photos from various sources and put it up soon.